For years GovernanceAlive, with guidance from John Buck and the support of many wonderful folks, has endeavored to not only offer training and organizational development services in dynamic governance, but also to offer an example that these systems and tools work
It took us a while to stop and reflect on how we needed to make changes so we could thrive. We, similar to our clients, found that once the ball was rolling it was hard to stop to complete a retrospective and iterate until things were on FIRE and more like stop, drop and roll. Once the smoke cleared from our biggest project EVER and we took stock of the resources remaining, we realized that the ingredient missing was YOU….
John Buck, dedicated to consent based participation, has seeded and supported numerous individuals and independent organizations with tools from his toolkit. Now, he and his home organization GovernanceAlive needs your participation to better offer its training and services.
To make that possible we have merged GovernanceAlive with another of John’s projects, a nonprofit called Center for Dynamic Community Governance, Inc, so that we can provide “low bono” and grant funded services. Want to know about how participating with us can benefit you? Join John Buck and Whitney Rubison to discuss what types of participation agreements are available