GA's certified sociocracy consultants
See the below listing of GA’s certified consultants by the International Sociocracy Certification Board (ISCB).

Teacher and trainer for 35 years, specializing in the integration of innovative and alternative learning strategies, Charlie was trained in Sociocraticy with John Buck and Gilles Charest, and participated in its dissemination in Spain and the creation of a Spanish office of The Sociocracy Group. He’s a trainer and consultant in organizations, and currently a member of the GEN Europe Council. He resides in Los Portales Community, Sevilla. —– Profesor y formador durante 35 años, especializado en la integración de estrategias de aprendizaje innovadoras y alternativas, Charlie se formó en Sociocracia con John Buck y Gilles Charest, y participó en su difusión en España y en la creación de una oficina española de The Sociocracy Group. Es formador y consultor en organizaciones, y actualmente es miembro del Consejo GEN Europa. Vive en la Comunidad de Los Portales, Sevilla.
Castilblanco de los Arroyos, Andalucía, Spain

Liink Consulting, Sociocracy Korea Hyunhee Ju is the CEO of Liink Consulting Co., Ltd. and Korea’s first Sociocratic certified consultant. She supervised the Korean translation of “We the People (written by John Buck and Sharon Villines)”. She is the first master facilitator in Korea. And she served as a member of board of directors of Korea Facilitators Association. —– 주현희는 링크컨설팅(주) 대표이사이자 한국 최초 소시오크라시 인증 컨설턴트이다. “소시오크라시(존 벅과 샤론 빌리네스 지음)”의 한국어 번역을 감수하였다. 한국 최초 마스터 퍼실리테이며 한국퍼실리테이터협회 이사를 역임 하였다.
Seoul, Korea

Governance Alive John brought sociocracy to the English-speaking world beginning in 1990. He continues to enjoy encouraging the development of organic organizations that operate with a lively, multi-hearted sense of being. He resides in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA with his wife, Ramona, an internationally certified mediator.
Silver Spring, MD, USA

Governance Alive Co-founder of Governance Alive. Certified mediator, facilitator, trainer and sociocracy consultant. Monika co-creates relational spaces and self-optimizing systems that are truly alive and draw upon social technologies (Agile, Theory U, Imago, Somatic Education, Integral Learning). A world citizen, Monika speaks 5 languages and holds a M.S. in Conflict Management.
Rockville, MD, USA

A Fairer Society, Governance Alive, Healthy Power Alliance, Sociocratic Inclusive Neighbourhood Governance for Britain and Ireland (SING-BI), SONEC
Want to try: Sociocracy, Agile teams, Lean startup, embodied high-integrity leadership, neighbourhood parliaments? I coach leaders around the world and develop cohousing in the UK. I serve the Great Transition to a society where the new norm is healthy power: power that makes everyone it touches healthier and more powerful.
Uckfield, New Sussex, United Kingdome

Orli specialises in applying Sociocracy to families. she’s a Couples and Family and Sex therapist and supervisor, MSW., Imago Relationship Worldwide (IRW)senior trainer, Co-chair of Imago Israel, Member of the Imago Faculty Dean Team. She’s the main force in implementing Sociocracy at IRW, and the facilitator of some main circles. Facilitator of the Imago Peace Project who’s responsible of creating the Communologue – Safe Communication in Groups, implementing it around the world, and combining it with Sociocracy. – – –
אורלי מומחית בסוציוקרטיה במשפחה. מטפלת ומדריכה זוגית, משפחתית ומינית. MSW, מכשירת מטפלים בכירה מטעם ארגון האימאגו הבינלאומי (IRW), יו״ר אימאגו ישראל. בשנים האחרונות לוקחת תפקיד מרכזי בהטמעת הסוציוקרטיה ב IRW, מלמדת ומובילה מעגלים מרכזים בארגון. אורלי היא גם מיוצרי הקומיונולוג – דיאלוג בטוח בקבוצה ובין קבוצות, שותפה בפרויקטים מקומיים ובינלאומיים, ובהוראת הקומיונולוג ברחבי העולם. בשנים האחרונות מלמדת סוציוקרטיה במשפחה, וכיצד לשלב את הקומיונולוג בסוציוקרטיה.
Reut, Israel

Certified Consultant in Sociocracy, Coordinator of the Circle of Happiness in Customs Agency P. Zulueta, President of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Deafness of Chile. I accompany companies, social organizations and schools to generate governance models of distributed power that promotes collective intelligence, effectiveness, transparency and equivalence. +++ Consultor certificado en Sociocracia, Coordinador Círculo de Felicidad Agencia de Aduana P. Zulueta, Presidente del Directorio del Instituto de la Sordera. Acompaño a empresas, organizaciones sociales y colegios a generar modelos de gobernanza de poder repartido que permiten potenciar la inteligencia colectiva, la efectividad, la transparencia y la equivalencia.
Santiago, Chile

Mats has developed the sociocratic organization for IMAGO couple therapy nationally and internationally. He is focused on introducing sociocracy into politics and society. He has a special interest in introducing a European version of Children’s parliament. Mats has consulting experiences in introducing system management models in private and government organisations. Mats har utvecklat den sociokratiska organisationen för IMAGO parterapi nationellt och internationellt. Han är fokuserad på att införa sociokratin inom politiken och samhället. Han har speciellt intresse för att införa en europeisk variant av Childrens parlament. Mats har tidigare konsulterfarenhet att införa systemförvaltningsmodeller både i privata och statliga organisationer.
Stockholm, Sweden